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The 2020 Election Eve Divided Government Closing Argument
Choosing normalcy with a side of oversight and moderation.
Welcome to our eighth election eve “Just Vote Dividist” post. The Dividist advocates a divided government voting heuristic and has endorsed a divided government voting recommendation in every election since 2006. This could be the last of this series as, thanks to COVID-19, our country’s voting habits have changed dramatically and possibly permanently. As we write this post, somewhere close to 100 million votes have already been cast through mail-in ballots or early voting. This compares to approximately 130 million total votes cast in the 2016 presidential election. Which begs the question: What’s the point of doing an election eve closing argument if 70% of the vote is already counted? And the answer is: The Dividist has no friggin’ idea. So we are doing this out of tradition and we’ll figure it out next time.
There are even more cries, lamentations, rending of garments and gnashing of teeth than usual this cycle. Partisans insist on characterizing this “most important election of our lifetime” as the Fascism vs. Socialism election. Both partisan tribes are in rare agreement that if the other tribe wins it will be The End of Democracy In America.