The key problem you identify here is that there is no longer a viable political home for limited government Conservatives, deficit hawks, and Republicans who are proponents of a strong but principled foreign policy. But these folks exist in significant numbers. You have to ask where do they go if the Trump cancer is not excised from the GOP? Will a moderated Democratic Party be a viable political home beyond the immediate #NeverTrump priority? It seems unlikely. If there was ever a time for partisan realignment — a new party to replace the GOP and attract Moderate Democrats, this seems like that time.
In the meantime, I’m a #NeverTrump Democrat this cycle, unless it’s Sanders or Warren. Then I’m a 3rd Party Independent. But always I’ll be voting for divided government to restrain the worst impulses of both parties. I won’t vote for him under any circumstances, but there are worse things than a Trump Presidency with a Nancy Pelosi led House and divided government. A Sanders or Warren Unified One Party Rule Democratic Government and nuked legislative filibuster (as they’ve both promised) would be one of them.